Holiday pause...

December 18, 2014

It is easy to get caught up in the holiday hoopla; we sure do here with our posting of gift guides and reminders of toys to buy. The truth is that the holidays are an added pressure on so many levels. Did you get the holiday cards out? Nope, not me and it’s looking like a last minute Facebook posting again for us, so we’ll save some trees. Presents? Your lucky if you get one from me, for what I thought was a budget that couldn’t get any tighter has this year. So I am planning to make a few gifts, buy for the kids and ya know? It will be okay.

On some levels I am totally together and on others I just can’t seem to really figure what the next step is when it comes to holiday planning but I plow ahead and funny enough it all works out. So take a deep breath and try to enjoy the moment and the joy that the holidays do bring. Dancing Santa’s (it’s new York), kids excited about being off for school a bit. The looks on their faces when they open their gifts, it's priceless. These are the things I want to put in my pocket, collect in a jar with snow and sprigs and twigs from pine trees. With so much craziness going on in the world these are the moments that are truly gifts.


Post by Donna


Photo: Gillian Stevens Tumblr 


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