4 items that can help you stay organized this school year.

August 22, 2013

In a quest to be a bit more organized, have less paper hanging out in all corners of our apartment I tested about 8 products in the last few months. These 4 are the ones that have been the most helpful in my desire to have less clutter! 

Large Post It Pocket- It's mind boggling how much paperwork I get from the schools. We had the school calender up on the fridge last year but it kept falling under the fridge or my son kept trying to tear it up 'for fun.' I now have this sturdy pocket in a cabinet I open every day. I already have my son's first day paperwork ready to go and plan to use this pocket as his important school update folder.

Large Scotch Display Frame- This is perfect for we have new art work daily and my son's favorite masterpiece goes in this frame weekly. It stays clean, in good shape and we can frame our favorites later for the famous 'art' wall.

Post It Reminder Tags- The less frazzled mom the better is the goal this year. I am not that person who can remember EVERYTHING. I use to try leaving post it's on the front door however the door is not post it friendly which is why these small tags are great. I can hook one onto my bag or my son's backpack  so I can be the organized maven I am working towards.

Martha Stewart No-Iron Clothing Labels- These labels are amazing. I used them on all summer camp clothes, backpack and lunch container. I wrote out my son's name with a sharpie. The marker faded however the labels have weathered through numerous washings still sticking to everything. I plan on picking up more this weekend.

Have any organizing tips? Love to hear them!

Posted by Donna

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