Where to have a kids birthday in Greenpoint/Williamsburg

July 22, 2017


Cotton Candy Spa

This sweet spot is geared towards girls however all genders are welcomed. This is the ultimate spa day for your beauty lover and friends. Packages include mini mani's and pedi's, make up application, glitter tattoos...even pizza can be served. Birthday Packages start at $399.

Edamama Cute Cuts and More

This unique space is quite eclectic with it's story times, musical hours and sweet hair cut space. You can also throw a them birthday party that includes arts and crafts, a fun activity and with all the birthday trimmings such as cake and goody bags. Call or email directly for prices.

Greenpoint YMCA

Celebrate your kiddos birthday with a pool party. This is a pretty cool deal and again I like this venue for older kids although wee babes can have their party at this venue. Plus is a certified lifeguard is included in the package as well as noodles, bubbles/ backpacks, and toys . Package details are included here.

Gym Park

Perfect for the kids to tumble and have fun at this popular kid destination. Party fee starts at $425 with additional costs of gratuity and extra fees for time and children.


This popular play space offers designated rooms as well as the entire space to host a your little ones birthday party. Theme packages are also offered. Prices start at $425. Contact directly for estimate.

McGolrick Park 

A beautiful park located in North Brooklyn is a great party destination when weather permits. Arrive early as there are limited picnic tables at this park. If you like to reserve the pavilion you can apply for a permit which usually runs around $25. This is great if rain may be in the forecast. We have hosted and been guests to many a birthday party at this park, great for older kids!

Ms J's Gym

Located on the South side of Williamsburg this large gym space offers birthday packages that basically give your child and friends exclusive use of the space during his/her birthday party. Packages starts with basic at $500 .

The Pitch

Throw your soccer fan and his/her friends a private soccer party. Typical party package includes private time on 'the field', a coach and use of a picnic area. There is even an open bar option for the moms and dads.

Twinkle Playspace

This space doesn’t fool around when they throw a party. Their specialty is theme parties however they do have a basic party option. All packages include play time in their cool creative play space. Packages start at $675.

Photo by Jeff Mindell


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