I work in publishing and in the last few months I’ve run into very talented women who are at a point in their lives where they have been suddenly let go or the non- publishing women I know complain to me they are being pushed out of their profession- unable to compete with fellow workers who can work longer hours. Some just find that a career that they once loved no longer works with their lives as a mother. So many feel they need to re-invent themselves or find a job that supports them as mothers, not easy but some companies that understand the mom do exist. My sister works for an amazing company that really supports the mom in many ways, one amazing perk- it provides on site daycare as part of your position! I think for some moms, small steps need to be taken for a day job is a necessity to keep the family secured. What steps can be taken? From my experience I really felt that reading about other successful moms helped and it help me to set up a goal plan. I enjoyed Mom Inc and The Right Brain Business Plan. These are more for creating your own business however this is something I think we need to at least entertain for you never know, it may be scary to go out on your own but it may be an incredible experience. Also, thinking out the box and what you are capable of is a good confidence booster. I also only share my future goals with a trusted few, all fellow moms that are only supportive and encouraging. Example: if I tell my mom I am having a challenging day at work, she instantly worries I am losing my job, so Latin mother only hears the good stuff. Trusted friends hear everything. Also, reading up on what other moms have done for their career has help me to streamline what I want, build up my self esteem and make my job at work work for me while I map out my future.
This was a fun article to read, who knew there are apps like this?
Photo, Superheros