Hair Due.

February 25, 2013

I only get my hair cut about twice a year. I basically get it cut, then attempt to trim it myself, until I have caused so much misshape I have to go to a salon to fix it. I think long hair is tough, its not always easy to wear it down and frankly it can be time consuming to make it look good. And time consuming is what my hair was turning into, I felt like Loretta Lynn, not that there is anything wrong with Loretta, but this isn’t Nashville! I was planning to do a chin length cut again then I realized that I am too obsess with all the hair styles I keep pinning to cut it just yet. So I needed a great haircut which can go a long way. Lucky me I called Tommy Guns and asked for someone who gets long hair and was booked with Lauren. She is amazing and really knows her cuts, I have deemed it my new salon!

Photo, Minah Worley