Turning memories/kids favorite things into keepsakes.

January 10, 2014


I have these boxes and corners of items I have been accumulating since my son was born. I have his little hat from the hospital, his pacifiers, and first birthday souvenirs and much more. I keep meaning to do something with them yet I keep boxing them away. With Facebook, Instagram- memories are now being kept digital however I want my son to have something more physical. My mother in law, the keeper of all memories when my hubby was growing up, has given us a few cool gems from his childhood. I love having these keepsakes sprinkle around our home and have been looking for creative ways to do the same for my boy. Do you have a cool way you showcase your memories? Please share!

3 creative ideas:

Make a shadow box

Have a toy made form your child's favorite drawing

Embroider a favorite art work onto a bag or do an iron transfer it onto a tee or a shoppers bag.






Top photo, Martha Stewart

Middle: Chid's Own Studio

Bottom: Straynotions

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