Happy Weekend.

April 25, 2014

This week some of us with school age children had spring break going on the first part of the week, boy was I ready for school to start up again!

Kindergarten placements came out Monday morning and my phone was in heavy text mode close to midnight. The thing with these placements is there is such a range of emotions. If you do not live in NYC and enrolling your child is simply showing up to the school office, turning in school work, count yourself LUCKY. You don’t get in, it’s terrible, sometimes you get an amazing placement and yet you can still be at odds. Really we must seem like crazy people, stressed out, standing at schools waiting for the doors to open but what we are are parents. Passionate for our children, we know better then anyone where they will flourish, what the best environment is for them, we know in our gut what will make them happy, they should be happy at school, right?! When we feel that they’re going to be at a school that isn’t going to be a good fit, it can make you a bit nutso. And that is okay, that is what we are here for. We are here to fight for this person we love more then anything. The cliché thing is to say that all will work itself out and the chances are this is going to happen, all will be well. Last year we did eventually get off the waitlist and found great alternatives while researching other schools but the stress was unsettling for quite sometime, so bear with us pre-k and kindergarten parents as we navigate the DOE system. Meanwhile, if you are a fellow parent and live in our little neck of the woods, please feel free to share with us if you hear about a great opening slot at a school or have any tips to working this crazy school system for our kindergarten and( soon to hear about their slots) pre-k parents.



To Do:

  • Caribou is having The Great Cloth Diaper Change tomorrow! There will be great give aways, good times and cute babies galore. Check out their website for more details!
  • The Painted Cloud is having an OPEN HOUSE tomorrow! 

                                 Saturday, April 26th
                                 10:00am - 12:00pm
                     Please RSVP: thepaintedcloud@gmail.com


Buy for a cause:

Looking for a maternity bag? Oh Joy! has partnered with FEED to sell their first ever maternity bag. It's quite très chic and best part is with each purpose provides one mother and one child with micronutrients for 1 year.


Abstract painting by my son, you know it's mama because "my legs are brown" says the artist.



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