We’ve had some difficult last weeks here at Casa Ladd. Since my son has started kindergarten there have been some epic battles in our home. These disputes can range from putting a toy away, what he is wearing, when to take a bath, you name it –there is resistance. The fact that we are arguing every day has also made me tremendously sad. Thankfully, when I bring this up to my fellow mom friends they tell me their own struggles are similar. One girlfriend said she has taken up drinking for she feels she is dealing with the terrible twos all over again. The worst is my son telling me I am a mean mom. Ouch. My girlfriends have also heard the same ‘mean mommy’ comment. I do not need to google five year behavior or ask an expert to know that my kindergarten child has entered into a more big kid world and letting loose in a safe place (with mean mommy and yes daddy is also ‘mean’) is how to get this angst out.
Thankfully there has been bit of a truce. My husband is on a trip and my son has instantly mellowed. He didn’t want his father to leave but once he was out the door he had something he always wants to himself. Me. It seems a break from two people who make home do his homework, take time outs is just the break he needed. I have been having cuddle fests like the good ‘ole days’, I was even sang to yesterday morning. I have enjoyed this time to ourselves as we both have been going through growing pains this year and it hasn’t been easy for either us. But soon this phase will pass and we’ll be on to the next. Meanwhile I’ll enjoy this bit of a truce and snuggle with my little chicken and listen to his stories for I know these are the times that get us through our little rough patches.
Photo:Tara Pearce
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