Happy Weekend.
June 12, 2015

Holy heat it's hot! The water sprinklers should be on this weekend so pack up for a long days this weekend. I'm not lying when I say we post a lot on FB and twitter when we run into cool sales or things happening in the neighborhood. Follow us!
Coming Up
Next Saturday
Chitta Mama Fitness & Wellness Pop-Up EventA fitness & wellness event at the Greenpoint Terminal Building on 67 West Street, for the whole family, this pop-up will be the first of its kind in NYC. Expect to see passionate and experienced health service providers to Greenpoint to give the families in the community a day of wellness and fitness and fun. Chitta Mama Fitness believes that a special time in a woman’s life such as pregnancy and the time immediately after, deserves a one-stop-shop of services in which women can exercise, be informed, bring their older children and partners along and connect with other mothers to help adjust to the new role they are taking on. This will be the first in a series of Pop-Ups around NYC! https://chittamamapopup.eventbrite.com

McCarren Pool opens June 27th!
Worth The Read:
Post By Donna
Photo by Todd Stewart
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