After my son was born I would say the task of dinner became my new challenge. Gone were the days of cooking long simmering meals, time was a luxury of the past. Soon I was reading books on how to juggle it all (ha!) and get dinner on the table. Seven years after my son was born it is still one of my biggest home challenges. This is something my fellow mom friends speak of often, getting well balance meals on the table for the family. That's it. This is the goal.
At MB we do not have only older children to feed, our famIlies keep expanding and the dinner table has to service kids in different eating stages. Just a month ago I was going to stores in my neighborhood, most of this stores are healthy with one being a huge health chain and yet I could not find frozen baby puree. I could have sworn this existed, right? My thought being if I do not have time to make healthy baby food then I can at least buy the kind of food that is I had the luxury of time would make. Nada. I resolved to jars that week.
Then Nurture Life, an organic ready to eat meal subscription service for the kiddos, got in touch with us. Would we like to give them a try? They are now delivering in the NY/Eastcoast area. There is no other service of this kind. So we said sure, however we have the most eclectic of eaters living with us, no problem they said we get picky eaters. After answering a short q&a on what they will eat we were told to expect our meals soon. I received a package just in time. My husband was away and by the time I got home from work, tackled homework, baths, I had zero time to prepare a meal, let alone a healthy one. So I 'made' one every day for 4 days straight. Each meal that came cold, not frozen and is made without artificial ingredients or preservatives took about 10/15 minutes in the oven and can be baked in the container. Verdict? My very picky eater loved every meal. And nope we are not getting paid to write this post. I was beyond shock to see my kid eat beef stew-especially since he rarely will eat meat and ...even asked me to tell the chef to send him more beef. He then told my husband that I needed to start ordering the chicken meatballs from 'that chef' every week.
Erica's tribe feasted on a Tex Mex Burrito bowl that she deemed ahh-may-zing. Erica’s daughter Kate who is honestly the only child I know who actually gets excited to eat salads and loves the same food I do loved the salmon. Our wee ones in our loved the potato curry and the purees especially the oatmeal mixed with the puree plantains.
Is it do able? After going over the cost of the meal plans both Erica and I felt that the prices are do-able within our budget, not bank breaking and most importantly these meals are exactly what we want our kids to be eating. Of course the creator of Nurture Life is a mom who found herself with the same dilemma of how do we feed our kids fresh well rounded organic meals that also meet their nutritional needs? Now we can reap the benefits of her solution. And we aren't hanging in our towels yet in the kitchen... we like having the option of having a few meals deliver every week, easing the burden a bit of meal planning and making eating less of a chore, more about family time.
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