Very Important Meeting: Make Greenpoint Greener!

March 19, 2012

I plan on dragging my little ones to this meeting and I would encourage ALL Greenpoint parents to attend this meeting. This is a lot of money and they want YOUR input!

Greenpoint Environmental Benefits Project Community Meeting
Do you have ideas about how to make Greenpoint Greener?

We have $19.5 million to improve the Greenpoint environment thanks to the settlement with Exxon-Mobil. Come share your ideas for protecting and improving air, water and open space in Greenpoint. Participate in a collaborative process to assist New York State in directing the $19.5 million towards the our environmental priorities. For further information contact Laura Truettner at or at 646-872-4157.

The Warsaw, 261 Driggs Avenue
Wednesday, March 21
6:30 to 8:30pm

Posted by: Jessica Glorieux
Photo: Skyscraper City
PS- the photo is from 2005- can you tell a difference? I can!