
November 14, 2011

ing meal

Thanksgiving is around the corner and I am on the fence about cooking this year. Part of me wants to order Pies and Thighs and the other (the one that says,”hey lady you are on budget”) wants to cook. Reading up on recipes and food blogs is helping on my decision making. If I do end up cooking I intend to use Everyday Food and the below resources as my inspiration and digital nudging towards cooking in and eating a delish meal on T day.


Sunday Suppers

Smitten Kitchen 

Sides, easy to make and the kiddies will eat:

Dinner A Love Story

Parents Need To Eat To, Debbie Koening

Not Your Grandma’s Recipes:

Yum Sugar

Have Your Read This Site? A mix of lifestyle, travel and food recipes, a great blog to follow.

Matt Bites

Photos, Roland Bello