When you pull clothes and style for a living you are often asked questions regarding what to wear. How questions differ with new mothers or moms still in the early years with their kids is they are unsure where to even begin. What surprises many of my mom friends is when I tell them I have the same problems. A year ago I literally hated everything in my closet and not in a cliché kind of way. I realized I was holding onto my old style for dear life and I was pretty bummed out about it. I am still working on my wardrobe since I do not have a ton of money to buy new clothes and buy most of my new pieces on sale. What helps is that I am honest with myself on what I can and cannot wear and this helps when shopping.
The first part of rebuilding your wardrobe to work for you is to go through your closet. I love it when people say if you haven’t worn in in a season give it away. This is not always the case for moms for some of us take years to get our bodies to before children weight, to slim up in general or not at all, maybe we like our new curves! My suggestion is to take this all in. If your child rearing days are behind you then anything past a year or so is when you need to rethink a piece that you no longer wear. If you are still in baby mode then store the pieces that feel classic and will easily fit right into your post baby life. Worry about the closet revamp when the time matters such as the spit up days are over, your back at work, you’re sick of living in sweats. These are always the triggers that get most of us to start tackling that closet. I posted the (above) tips on getting started. Hope it helps and comment, email, tweet me if you have any questions or need help!
Top Photo Credit: Style.com
Color Swatches: Spring 2014 & Fall 2013, Pantone